한국의 대우 인터내셔널 및 중국의 CNPC 등이 참여한 Shwe 가스 프로젝트로 인해 직접적인 피해를 입고 있는 지역인 Kyauk Phyu 지역의 주민들이 선언문을 발행하였습니다.
Kyuak Phyu 지역은 해안 지역으로 주로 어업과 농업에 종사하여 생활을 이루어가는 주민들이 거주하고 있으며, 천연 상태의 맹갈로브 지대가 넓게 퍼져있습니다. 가스 채취가 이루어지는 Shwe 해저 광구가 Kyuak Phyu 근방에 위치하며, 또한 파이프라인이 Kyuak Phyu 근방을 지날 뿐 아니라 Maday 항구에서는 석유와 가스 수송을 위한 유조선이 매우 빈번하게 지나들게 될 예정입니다.
이에 지역 주민들은 개발로 인한 토지몰수 및 불충분한 보상금 제공 등의 직접적인 피해발생 뿐 아니라, 앞으로 혹시 일어날 지 모르는 대형 사고의 발생 가능성, 환경파괴 및 지역주민 경제권 침해의 가능성 등에 대해 매우 우려하고 있으며, 그럼에도 불구하고 환경영향평가 등의 충분한 정보가 제공되지 않음에 대해 지역 사회의 목소리를 하나로 모았습니다.
이번 선언문은 환경영향평가 시행 및 그 정보공개, 개발기업의 책임에 대한 지역사회에의 정보제공, 지역사회의 환경 및 경제권을 보호하기 위한 수단 제공 등 12가지 사항을 요구하고 있습니다.
아래에 선언문 전문(영문판)을 기재해 놓았습니다. 고려대 CLEC 국제인권클리닉에서는 빠른 시일 내에 본 선언문을 국문 번역 할 예정입니다.
관심가져주시는 여러분들께 감사드립니다!!
Statement by Local Residents at Ramree Island
regarding Shwe Gas Project, Deep Sea Port, and Oil and Gas Pipeline
Date:2th May,2013
Construction of Daewoo’s Shwe gas project, as
well as CNPC’s Maday deep sea port and oil and gas pipeline have damaged our
(local people’s) livelihoods and environment in Kyauk Phu Township since 2009. Additionally,
there has been ongoing forcible land confiscation, providing no compensation or
a limited amount of compensation for the confiscated rice farms and lands.
We, the local affected people, were not
informed or consulted by the companies regarding the positive or negative
impacts of the projects before the implementation of these projects until
today. Furthermore, we were not informed of whether an EIA or SIA had been conducted
before the implementation of the projects. Therefore, we have been deeply
concerned about the possibility of the total destruction of our major
livelihoods such as farming and fishing, as the projects have already
negatively impacted our livelihoods.
Beginning from this year, Maday Sea Port will
be filled with massive Chinese oil tankers transporting crude oil from the Middle
East and Africa. If any oil spill occurs from these tankers in the Maday and
Kyauk Phyu coastal area, the major sources of our livelihoods including our
sea, agricultural lands, rice farms and mangrove forests, will be destroyed. It
is important to note that the mangrove forest in the Kyauk Phyu coastal area is
the second largest in Burma.
Therefore, we, the local communities in
project affected areas of Kyauk Phyu Township, list the 12 following demands to
be implemented immediately by the projects’ operators in Kyauk Phyu, including
Daewoo International of South Korea, China’s CNPC, and Myanmar state-owned
company MOGE. We also demand that all
projects’ activities in Kyauk Phyu be postponed until our demands are met.
If an EIA and SIA were already conducted, to
disclose and present the results of those assessments to local people
immediately. If an EIA and SIA were not conducted, postpone all the projects’
activities and conduct an EIA and SIA immediately, then present the results and
hold a consultation with local people.
To investigate the oil and gas pipeline’s
quality and condition immediately in line with international standards, and
immediately present the results of the investigation to the people.
To present information to local people
regarding the government’s and companies’ roles and responsibilities. This must
include required actions in case of accidents or emergencies resulting from the
projects, such as the clean up processes for any environmental damages,
protection of biodiversity, and compensation for affected people in the event
of explosions or oil spills in Arakan sea and land.
To establish and enforce laws to protect
local people’s environment, livelihoods, culture and customs in line with
international standards
To immediately clean up the rocks in the
local people’s fishing areas where companies dumped rocks mined during the
construction of the sea port project.
To present prior information about how the
local fisherfolk communities’ livelihoods will be restored when their main
fishing grounds are damaged due to oil tanker movement in the areas.
To provide full compensation to land owners
whose lands were forcibly confiscated without compensation or with limited
compensation for the Shwe gas project, deep sea port, and oil and gas pipeline
projects until the land owners are satisfied that the compensation is in line
with international standards.
To provide jobs and livelihood necessities to
affected local communities facing challenges to their survival due to the Shwe
gas, deep sea port, and oil and gas pipeline projects
To respect local culture and to prevent
oppression of the local people by foreign and non-local company workers.
10. To give
local communities prior information regarding the danger of toxic waste from the
Shwe gas terminal, and regarding the plans to protect local people’s sea, land
and air in line with international standards.
11. To
implement company’s CSR activities according to local people’s desires.
12. To
prioritize the utilization of Shwe gas for Arakan State development before any other
use within the country or for export.
demands are made by three Kyauk Phyu CBOs and 17 villages which cover an estimated
population of 20,000 people.
Tun Lwin:
+95 942 172 9277 (English speaking) /
Kyaukphyu Social Network Group
Kyi: +95 949 650 353 (Burmese speaking)
/ Maday Island Development Organization
Soe Shwe: +95 942 1739 616 (Burmese speaking)
/ Sky Youth Organization
Aye: +95 942 175 0633 (Burmese
speaking) / Lightkamor Village / Kyaukphyu Township
lists of organizations and villages:
Social Network Group/ Kyaukphyu Township
Youth Organization/ Kyaukphyu Township
Island Development Organization/ Kyaukphyu Township
Quarter / Kyaukphyu Township
Quarter/ Kyaukphyu Township
Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
Village / Kyaukphyu Township
Quarter/ Kyaukphyu Township
Quarter / Kyaukphyu Township
10. Zinchang Village / Kyaukphyu Township
11. Konbow Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
12. Choung Wa Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
13. Choung Pyer Village / Kyaukphyu Township
14. Ranataung Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
15. Katie Village / Kyaukphyu Township
16. New Lightkamor Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
17. Pargin Village / Kyaukphyu Township
18. Tanpachang Village / Kyaukphyu Township
19. Malar Island Village/ Kyaukphyu Township
20. Goto Village / Kyaukphyu Township
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